Hybrid vs Electric Bikes

January 17, 2022

Hybrid vs Electric Bikes: A Flare Compare

Hello, bike enthusiasts! Are you thinking of purchasing a new bike for your daily commute, but not sure whether to go the hybrid or electric route? Fear not, for we, the Flare Compare team, are here to provide a factual, unbiased comparison on these two popular options.

What's the deal with hybrid bikes?

Hybrid bikes, as the name suggests, are a blend of road bikes and mountain bikes. They come equipped with wider tires and flat handlebars, which are great for handling a mix of terrains, including gravel, pavement, and dirt. The electric motor on a hybrid bike is usually pedal-assisted, meaning that it provides an extra boost to your pedaling power. This can be especially useful when facing uphill tracks.

What's the hype over electric bikes?

Electric bikes, on the other hand, are powered by electric motors that can be controlled with either pedal-assist or a throttle. This means that the rider doesn't have to exert much effort while cycling, making it a good option for people who sweat easily or have difficulty pedaling uphill. Electric bikes also come with larger batteries, which allow them to cover greater distances with less effort.

Let's talk numbers

When it comes to numbers, electric bikes definitely have the edge over hybrids. Here are some specs you might find useful:


The range of a bike refers to the distance it can cover on a single charge or fill-up. According to a report from eco-friendly mobility website, Green Citizen, electric bikes can go as far as 40-60 miles on a single charge. This is in stark contrast to hybrid bikes, which have a range of around 10-20 miles.


Electric bikes are generally more expensive than hybrids. The average cost of a hybrid bike is around $500, while the average cost of an electric bike is around $2000. However, it's worth noting that electric bikes are often eligible for government grants and subsidies, which can make them more accessible and affordable.


Electric bikes can reach speeds of up to 20 mph, while hybrid bikes have a maximum speed of around 10-15 mph. This can be an important consideration for people who have to cover a lot of ground during their daily commute.


In conclusion, the choice between electric and hybrid bikes comes down to personal preference and budget. If you're looking for a bike that can tackle a variety of terrains and don't want to spend too much money, a hybrid bike might be the way to go. On the other hand, if you're looking for effortless cycling and don't mind shelling out some cash, an electric bike might be the better choice.

Regardless of which option you choose, we encourage you to stay safe while cycling and wear the appropriate equipment, such as helmets and reflective clothing.

Thanks for reading and happy cycling!


  1. Green Citizen - A Guide to Electric Bikes
  2. Bike Exchange - Hybrid vs Electric Bikes: Which One to Choose?

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